Public Communication Issues

Resolve common issues with Public Audio and Communication in Orbit to ensure seamless and effective communication within the virtual environment.

No Sound from Public Users

  • Check Volume Settings: Ensure the volume slider for Public Voice Chat is turned up.

  • Verify Microphone Status: Make sure the microphone icon for each of the public users is not muted (red microphone icon).

  • Adjust Device Volume: Check the volume settings on your device to ensure they are not muted or set too low.

Microphone Not Working

  • Allow Microphone Access: Ensure that the app has permission to access your microphone in your device settings. Use this guide to check and set Browser Permissions.

  • Select Correct Microphone: Go to the Public Voice Chat settings and make sure the correct microphone is selected. Here is a guide to change the microphone - Communication settings.

  • Test Microphone: Use your deviceโ€™s audio settings to test the microphone and ensure it is functioning properly.

Bad Audio Quality

  • Check Your Connection: Ensure you have a stable internet connection. Poor connectivity can cause audio issues.

  • Update Drivers: Make sure your audio drivers are up to date. Outdated drivers can cause compatibility issues and degrade audio quality.

  • Restart the Application: Sometimes, restarting the application can resolve temporary glitches affecting audio quality.

  • Check for Interference: Ensure there are no other applications or devices interfering with your audio. Close any unnecessary applications that might be using audio resources.

  • Test Your Microphone and Speakers: Use the built-in testing features of your device's audio settings to ensure your microphone and speakers are functioning correctly.

  • Bluetooth Issues: Bluetooth headsets can sometimes cause audio quality problems, especially when the microphone is in use. Try switching to a wired connection or using an external microphone instead of the built-in mic on your Bluetooth headset.

  • Power Management: Ensure your device is not in low-power mode, as this can impact audio performance. Plug in your device or disable power-saving settings when using audio features extensively.

Echo or Feedback Issues

  • Use Headphones: Wearing headphones can help reduce echo and feedback.

  • Adjust Microphone Sensitivity: Lower the sensitivity of your microphone in the Public Voice Chat settings.

  • Check Speaker Placement: Ensure your speakers and microphone are not too close to each other.

Intermittent Sound Issues

  • Check Internet Connection: Ensure you have a stable internet connection. Unstable connections can cause sound issues.

  • Close Unnecessary Applications: Close other applications that might be using significant bandwidth or system resources.

Cannot Hear Public Sounds

  • Check Mute Settings: Ensure that the โ€œmute public playersโ€ toggle is not enabled if you want to hear public sounds in the virtual space.

  • Adjust Audio Balance: Check the audio balance settings on your device to ensure it is not favoring one type of sound over another.

Microphone Cuts Out

  • Stable Connection: Ensure your internet connection is stable to prevent interruptions in voice chat.

  • Update Drivers: Make sure your audio drivers are up to date on your device.

  • Reduce Background Noise: Move to a quieter location or use noise-canceling microphones to reduce interference.

Audio Not Playing Through Speakerphone on Mobile Devices

  • Check Silent Mode: Ensure that your device is not in silent mode.

  • Use Headset or Earbuds: For the best quality audio, use a headset, earbuds, or headphones.

Messages Not Sending:

  • Check Internet Connection: Ensure you have a stable internet connection.

  • Refresh Chat Window: Try refreshing the chat window or reopening the Party Chat.

Cannot See Messages:

  • Check Hidden Messages: Ensure that you have not hidden messages from specific users by pressing the text chat icon next to their names.

  • Scroll Through Chat: Scroll up or down to check for missed messages.

  • Adjust Window Size: Ensure the chat window is maximized or expanded to view all messages.

Delayed Messages:

  • Stable Connection: Ensure your internet connection is stable to prevent delays.

  • Close Unnecessary Applications: Close other applications that might be using significant bandwidth or system resources.

Spam or Offensive Messages:

  • Hide Messages: Press the text chat icon next to the offending userโ€™s name to hide their messages.

Last updated